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Nigeria: Female Journalists Join Activism Against Gender-based Violence

The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) Lagos State chapter has joined the rest of the world in a 16-day activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the society. The global

The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) Lagos State chapter has joined the rest of the world in a 16-day activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the society.

The global theme for this year’s activism is, “Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now”. It runs from November 25 to December 10 every year.

As a UN movement, NAWOJ adopted it across all states of the federation to join hands and say no to all forms of GBV.

The Chairperson, NAWOJ Lagos state chapter, Adeola Ekine, said, “The movement is geared towards sensitising society on the increase of violence and encouraging Survivors to speak up and shame the perpetrators of such crimes. It is an evil act that should not be swept under the carpet.”

According to the chairperson, GBV is a “wicked act”, urging all hands to be on deck to eradicate it in Nigeria. “It is a collective responsibility.”

And with resesrch showing that GBV could be physical, sexual, emotional, financial or structural and can be perpetrated by intimate partners, acquaintances, strangers and institutions, Ekine canvassed that every perpetrator of such action should be brought to book.

Rebecca Ejifoma

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