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APC Women Leader Betta Edu Speaks On Women Participation in Politics

She said although women have not arrived at the destination they want to, there are still some success stories.

Cross River State Commissioner for Health, Dr Betta Edu, spoke on Thursday in an interview on The Morning Show about women participating in politics.

She said although they have not arrived at the destination they want to as women, there are still some success stories. There are women running for Governor, Deputy Governor, Senate, House of Rep and House of Assembly positions across Nigeria.

“We have not yet arrived at the destination we want to as women considering the fact that we are only short changing the developmental speed of the country when you short change women,” she said.

She added that building a system where women take a center place is a 360 approach and that there are things that the All Progressive Congress has put in place to encourage more women to contest for different seats.

“A woman must be elected out of the five delegates at the local government and state level. At the national level, one out of three delegates must be women.”

She explained that any state that did not effect this rule had to be pushed back to redo the election process because women play critical roles in nation building and election processes.

“You must have a woman because when you are coming to nation building, election processes and voting on the day of election, women play critical roles.”

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Dr Betta recounted her experience in politics, describing it as wonderful and intriguing.

“We have been able to interact and bring women from across the country, across different hierarchy, both economic and social, putting them together to support the country.

“Although there are some challenges, shortchanges and obstacles, women are becoming more energetic, involved and motivated by the day,” she said.

She addressed the case of the Senators advocating to impeach Buhari and said that Rome was not built in a day, that there have been challenges in the past, but Buhari is actively engaging and pushing to ensure that Nigerians are secure, that it just takes time.

“There are challenges, but are there active steps being taken to address this challenge.”

Dr. Betta stated that it is not just about Mr President and while he is taking the lead as he is supposed to, she believes it is a collective effort.

Faith Ituen

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