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Mogadishu Residents Flee Over Fear of Fresh Clashes

Civilians in Somali are fleeing several areas of the capital, Mogadishu, fearing renewed clashes between forces supporting President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and those backing the opposition. Both sides have occupied different parts

Civilians in Somali are fleeing several areas of the capital, Mogadishu, fearing renewed clashes between forces supporting President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and those backing the opposition.
Both sides have occupied different parts of the city with further troop movements overnight.
Pro-government forces raided the independent Mustaqbal media house, destroying equipment and reportedly beating staff.
There was fierce fighting on Sunday between rival factions of the security forces, partly split along clan lines.
The opposition is refusing to recognise Mr Farmajo as president following the recent two-year extension of his mandate which was supposed to end in February.

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