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Extremist Rebels’ Rampage Leaves Death and Destruction in Eastern Congo

Brutal attacks by extremist-linked rebels has led to the death of at least 11 people in Congo.

Over the weekend, villages in eastern Congo fell victim to brutal attacks by extremist-linked rebels, resulting in a devastating toll of at least 11 lives lost, along with the torching of vehicles and plundering of possessions, according to a local official.

The assaults, which took place on Saturday, were confirmed by the local mayor on Sunday. Allied Democratic Forces rebels with ties to the Islamic State group have long operated in the border area near Uganda.
This latest wave of violence adds to the nearly 200 fatalities reported in the area this year alone, as documented by the United Nations.

Mayor Ngongo Mayanga revealed that the aftermath of the attacks yielded a harrowing discovery, the recovery of 11 bodies scattered across four different locations in the commune of Mulekera, near Beni town in North Kivu province.

The scenes of devastation underscore the relentless brutality faced by communities in the region.

For decades, Eastern Congo has been a hotbed of conflict, with over 120 armed groups vying for control over valuable mineral resources.

The frequency of rebel-led mass killings has sadly become a regular occurrence, worsening the already severe humanitarian crisis in the region.

The toll of violence has forced over 7 million people to flee their homes, according to the United Nations. As the cycle of bloodshed persists, the plight of civilians caught in the crossfire remains a pressing concern.

Melissa Enoch

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