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60,000 Flee Violence in the Central African Republic in One Week, UN Says

The UN refugee agency has reported a sharp increase in refugees fleeing the violence in the Central African Republic. Some 60,000 people have left the country in the past week

The UN refugee agency has reported a sharp increase in refugees fleeing the violence in the Central African Republic.
Some 60,000 people have left the country in the past week according to UN data – that’s twice as many as the preceding week.
Most are crossing the Ubangui river south into the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Local authorities there say they are unable to cope with the numbers at a time of the year when food and water are scarce.
The Congolese minister of humanitarian affairs said the situation was potentially catastrophic.
Cameroon has also taken in refugees in recent monthImage caption: Cameroon has also taken in refugees in recent month
On Wednesday, rebel forces attacked the outskirts of the capital Bangui for the first time.
They were repelled by government forces, Russian mercenaries and UN peacekeepers, but the uprising against Faustin-Archange Touadéra appears to be gaining force.
The UN has called for an end to the violence.

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